Marketers: here's what you thought about the GDPR
Storm in a tea cup, or tea cup smashed on the floor? Let’s find out
A short talk with Leif Kendall from ProCopywriters
The copywriting crusader lends us a few precious minutes of his time.
About to publish that blog? Read this first
Don’t stop putting in effort at the last hurdle!
How not to write for the web
Five ‘fool’s gold’ nuggets of really bad advice to avoid at all costs
Course review: User Experience Design (General Assembly)
What Lizzie Bruce learnt at UX Bootcamp
Interview with Emma MacNay, Digital Events Producer
“For me, it’s about building relationships, delivering a quality experience, and people leaving with something new.”
How to use Twitter to maximise your conference experience
Make strong connections with people, even before you’ve met them