Alan inspiration: Partridge and digital marketing
I'm going to take a (rather light-hearted) look at Alan Partridge - one of the world's big thinkers - and apply some of his wisdom to our field. What can some of his quotes teach us about our behaviour as digital marketers?
We constantly think of new ideas
“Properly policed. It must not, I repeat not, turn into an all-night rave.”
Digital marketers are always coming up with ideas. It’s because we refuse to stand still in our thinking and practices, and good digital marketers are continuously trying to optimise and problem-solve – even if some of the notions are weak or not cost-effective when we evaluate them further.
New ideas, as well as reacting to industry developments, keep things interesting.
We like technology
“Coffee machines are the future, Lynn. Kettles are saaaaad.”
The nature of digital is that it is continuously evolving. And to that end, we like snazzy little tools and widgets which allow us to do something new, or something we already do - better.
It's exciting when we can bring a new piece of software or a new tool to our organisation; something which makes a positive difference to marketing results, whilst also enhancing our ability to prove ROI.
We hate it when people ‘get Bond wrong’
“Convoy? Michael, you’re hanging around with a man who uses a collective terms for a single vehicle.”
We can get irritated when the details of our job get twisted or taken for granted by others though. It annoys the average digital marketer when terms are misused, and non-marketers throw terminology around willy nilly.
Personally speaking, it really annoys me when buzzwords are thrown around - almost just for kudos - on social media; when often it's not backed up by any depth or real insight!
We really like it when people notice the value we add
“Lovely stuff. Not my words Michael, but the words of Shakin’ Stevens.”
Although I would hazard a guess that most of us are on the more introverted side and very much enjoy working 'in the background', we do like people to acknowledge we're making a difference and adding value.
Our job usually involves very behind-the-scenes tasks; nitty gritty stuff. We have to think big and small; all at the same time. We do a great many things to get something set up and working, and it’s nice when other people notice. Simple.
We can be guilty of boring everyone with the minutiae
"It's vulcanised rubber, which means it won't perish."
Digital marketers are creative, but also very practical. I'd say we have a geeky side for sure - and so we most likely understand all the ins and outs of the way things work (and why). Others can perceive this as being super ‘snoresome’, because they are simply not interested - and to be fair, why would they be?
We sometimes bore everyone with our marketing rules and best practice
"Crabsticks do not actually contain any crab and, since 1993, manufacturers have been legally obliged to call them crab-flavoured sticks."
We can also be accused of being a bit jobsworthy with our citing of things like data protection best practice – but it’s all necessary stuff, and at the end of the day, we’re preventing our employer getting into any bother!
We know how to pack a lot into a marketing campaign
“For £10, you get a very good book and a free torch - a ‘Danko Night Stick’ - as used in futuristic series “The X Files'“. There’s a demonstration model tied to the chair - with a skipping rope…”
A key skill of digital marketers is to use their marketing instincts and 'strategic prowess' to get the most out of everything. We know how to maximise reach and optimise exposure through our campaigns, and we're also capable of creating great content!
We'll re-purpose and recycle existing blogs/white papers/reports, and offer value to our audience through our engaging content (rather than hit them with sales speak). Nothing is wasted under our watch!