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Using local Facebook Groups to market your services

Local businesses are currently strapped for cash, with a dilemma of how they can promote their services online without paid ads.

This problem reminded me of an accidental tactic I stumbled upon a few years ago. I wanted to give back to my local community, so I offered my services (close-up magician), in the form of a contest in my local community Facebook group.

Underneath the post were over 180 comments from local people, all in my area, telling me the exact purpose, date, and time of their events. Voilà — those are qualified leads.

This was the exact post…

Now, this genuinely wasn’t intended to make me any money, but it did work as incredible promotion for my services. I ended up choosing two events to work for free and people were very grateful for my time.

After the winners were chosen, my inbox was flooded with follow-up messages from locals interested in my services and asking for my price list.

It’s then and there that I realised the power of running local contests in Facebook groups.

Note: This piece you’re reading isn’t an unintentional ad in and of itself. I can see that by telling you about the time I created an unintentional ad for my services, it could ironically become an unintentional ad for my services here. That would be incredibly meta. I don’t actually perform shows anymore, by choice.

How can you make money from this?

First, it’s important to not underestimate the net-positive impact of associating your service with warm and fuzzy community vibes. Helping others puts you in a good light and that will do wonders for your local reputation long-term.

If I needed work immediately, I’d simply respond to each and every comment with, “Sorry, I’d love to do this event too, but I’m unable to dedicate all of my time to free events. I’m sorry to say I have chosen two local winners from the other entries on this post.

“Now I do have availability on your date and as you’re right on my doorstep I’ll be able to offer you a 50% discount on my services if you’re still interested—it’s the best price I can offer. Let me know if you’d like to hear more.”

This ‘shop local’ trend is just getting started

Even Google is currently running a campaign asking people to support their local businesses. Now is the time for you to implement a tactic like this.

See this content in the original post

All you need to do is:

  • Join your local community Facebook group for your town, city, or district.

  • Post a contest for one or multiple winners to get your service for free.

  • Ask for comments below your post. The more engagement, the more likely it is to be pushed to others in the same group.

  • Ask for all relevant information, because if the winner you choose isn’t eligible, it’s taking the prize away from someone who could use it.

  • Show respect to everyone who engages with your service by genuinely reacting to their entries and requests.

  • Choose winners, and offer all those who didn’t win access to a heavy-discount as a consolation prize.

Even one extra purchase is a fantastic result for a free post, but certain services will get far more people taking them up on the offer.

It must be said that I’m not a spiritual person, but I do believe in ‘doing good and receiving good’. If you genuinely want to give back to your community, that positivity will help create opportunities for you.

As a service-based business, it’s very important that people have a fantastic first impression of you and your intentions — as ultimately, it’s you that you’re selling.
